What is a Mastermind Group?
Mastermind Groups are optimistic support networks that study leadership, communications and growth principles/ practices in a safe group setting with like-minded peers.
Who should consider attending a Mastermind Group?
Anyone who desires to grow or wants to learn in a particular subject area can greatly benefit from a Mastermind Group, which is a unique collaboration of compatible individuals that are focused on taking results in every area of their lives to a new level. They garner support and ideas from other focused and driven people, allowing them to see things differently and to gain a new perspective on goals and action plans, which furthers their personal and professional lives.
Mastermind Group Meetings are:
• Held in a quiet space, free, from any external or electronic interruptions
• One hour to 90-minutes long
• A sharing of each other’s successes, while providing support to one another through challenging times
• Group members supporting each other through the weeks, via phone and email conversations
• A way to learn from others without fear of incorrect answers