Yes! I want to ATTRACT, HIRE and RETAIN leaders for my company. Please send me A Leaders Guide to the Hiring Process: 8 Steps to Success. I understand this guide is totally FREE!
- Discover the 8 Steps to hiring success from my life as a business consultant -
The “secret” to hiring success is really quite simple: create a plan and document that process so you can use the same formula again so you can attract, hire and retain the best candidates in the marketplace. For over 30 years I have been working with too many companies that didn’t have this process and were frustrated with their high employee turn-over numbers because we all know that high employee turnover is one of the highest expenses for a business.
Here’s a SNEAK PEEK:
Great hiring practices aren’t about mastering complicated Human Resource practices. We all can attract, hire and retain outstanding leaders by following eight practical, common sense strategies that I use to get them started and you’re getting it FREE. Here’s what’s inside:
-The THREE THINGS every job description should answer
-What is more important to a potential candidate than salary
-An example of a great job advertisement that will change the way you advertise for candidates
-A list of more than 10 questions that will uncover whether or not the candidate has the skills for the job
And much more!