Be the one they choose!
Follow these steps and get that job!!!
- Know your audience. Do research on the company where you are applying. Know what they do, and where they do it. Notice anything unique about the company and mention it sometime during the interview.
- Smile. Something so simple yet powerful!
- Thank everyone you meet for the opportunity.
- Be on time and look good. You don’t need a 3-piece suit, but don’t look like you are going to a picnic either.
- Where’s my phone? LEAVE IT IN THE CAR!!!
- Have your information on a sheet of paper.
- Talk about what you can do for them.
- NEVER talk poorly about anyone or a company you worked for, even if asked.
- Get a grown up email address! or are not appropriate!
You’ve Got This!
It doesn’t take a lot to become the employee of choice, but it does take something! Follow these guidelines to get, keep, and get promoted on that job.
Look for a job in a field that interests you. That is where your greatest success will come from. Do what you love and love what you do.
Now That You got IT
A few things to do now that you got your dream job. Advance quickly following a few simple rules of engagement.
Be Thankful
Thank the owner when you get the opportunity for hiring you. You don’t need to be Eddie Haskel, but be appreciative. (look up Eddie Haskel or ask your parents)
What time is it?
Be early and stay late! You don’t have to do it every day, but for sure your first week and a few days a week after that. It is the quickest way to a promotion.
That’s Not My Job
A phrase no boss wants to hear and should never come out of your mouth. If you see something needs to get done, picked up, cleaned, put away, watered.
JUST DO IT! Trust me they will notice.
Be Positive
Smile, you have to be there, make the most of it. The only way to get out of a job and get a better one is to be the best at the one you’ve got!