If you’ve ever built a house, you know one of the first steps in the process is to establish a solid foundation. If you don’t have a solid foundation, your house will not last. And that goes the same for your business. If you haven’t established a solid foundation of teamwork and teambuilding, your company… Read More

Be the one they choose! Follow these steps and get that job!!! Know your audience. Do research on the company where you are applying. Know what they do, and where they do it. Notice anything unique about the company and mention it sometime during the interview. Smile. Something so simple yet powerful! Thank everyone you… Read More
Thank you to all veterans who serve our country. My name is Emily Lindus. I am currently writing a book titled “Twenty-Two”. That was the age of my brother, Kenneth E. Smith, when he was killed in Cambodia: http://www.virtualwall.org/ds/SmithKE01a.htm that is also the number of veterans that commit suicide every day. I am writing the stories of… Read More
Belief in limitation is the ONLY thing that limits you. The law of floatation was not discovered by contemplating why things sink, but by contemplating why things float naturally and then intelligently asking why they did so. Where your focus goes, your energy flows. Look at the situation “intelligently” (think without emotion) don’t force anything. Where there… Read More