If you’ve ever built a house, you know one of the first steps in the process is to establish a solid foundation. If you don’t have a solid foundation, your house will not last. And that goes the same for your business. If you haven’t established a solid foundation of teamwork and teambuilding, your company won’t last. Business owners make investments. And for most, their largest investment is in people. So why wouldn’t you invest in your team? In my latest FREE eBook, “The Compounding Power of Teamwork, A 6 Step Team Investment Strategy for Long-Term Profitability, I share with you the benefits of developing your team; the liabilities of NOT developing your team and help you implement the 6 Step Strategy. You can grab your free copy here: https://emilylindus.lpages.co/compounding-teamwork.
Let me give you a sneak peek into what’s inside my free eBook:
- Teamwork helps the entrepreneur avoid burnout
The average successful entrepreneur can realistically earn $50,000 – $75,000 per year on their own. Some may reach six figures in their business. However, extending beyond that without a team becomes a recipe for entrepreneurial burnout. Highly successful entrepreneurs – the “overnight millionaires” you hear about – become so by tapping into the power of teamwork. They have a network of collaborators, partners, and affiliates who have helped them push beyond the singular limits.
- Compounding Liabilities
Companies with high turnover rates are like credit card holders who just keep paying for their mistakes year after year. They end up losing money and getting nowhere.
An article on HRDive, reports, “In dollar figures, the replacement cost is $15,000 per person for an employee earning a median salary of $45,000 a year, according to the Work Institute’s 2017 Retention Report.”
Astonishingly, the article goes on to note that “the study of 34,000 respondents concluded that 75% of the causes of employee turnover are preventable.”
- Develop a Profitable Team
When you download my free eBook <hyperlink to eBook> I’m going to share with you a 6-Step Team Investment Strategy that will help you create a profitable team that can, as John C. Maxwell statesd, “maximize your potential, minimize your weaknesses and prevent costly turnover.”
Investing in the development of your team can yield exponential returns. Although you may invest money on the front end, on the back end, you get higher productivity and increased performance which can lead to higher profits. The good news is you can begin to maximize your investment today!
As an Executive Director for The John Maxwell Team, I can help you build and develop your team. I’d love to help you – simply email me at emily@25-8leadership.com.
Cheers to a solid foundation of teamwork,
Emily Lindus
“Let me EM-POWER You!”